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Top Tips for making Connections
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Written by Team WAX
Updated over a year ago

We know that putting yourself out there on a dating app can be daunting, and if you’re more comfortable just taking a look around for now that’s totally fine.

However, if you want to make the most of the WeAreX app experience, you’ll need to start making connections 🫣You can do it!

We’re sure you’ve got your technique down, but here are some of our top tips for making those connections land.

Top Tips

Read through the whole bio.

Make sure you’ve read the person’s bio all the way through, and taken the time to look over their photos. Some people hide little verifications in their bios to make sure they’ve been read, like asking for an emoji to be sent in the first message.

Double check you’re what they’re looking for!

Some people are very clear that they don’t want messages from couples, for instance. Make sure you’re not bothering them if they’ve been clear that you or your situation is not the kind of thing they want to find on WeAreX. It’s not personal to you - respect their choices.

Be specific.

Having read through their bio, you can message specifically about something they like or have mentioned. This is a far more personal and appealing approach than “hey, you’re gorgeous” or “how’s it going?”

Keep it light, keep it clean, keep it short.

Keep first messages light-hearted, upbeat and relatively short. A couple of sentences should be enough to respond to something they’ve said, and ask them a question to continue the conversation. Don’t go in hard with an overly sexual first message either, unless they’ve made it clear that’s what they want.

And remember, someone saying no thanks or passing you by will have more to do with what’s going on in their lives than yours. Maybe they’re taking a lil break from the app, maybe they’ve already found someone/s they’re feeling connected with, or maybe a pipe burst in the middle of their street and their whole basement has been flooded - and not in a fun way 🥹

So keep on making connections, and also keep your plumbing maintained.

Which isn’t a euphemism.

But it could be…

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