Our servers use Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). All communications to and from the server use TLS/SSL encryption with both server-side and client-side authentication for devices. In addition, the server is securely managed in ISO 27001, SSAE-16, SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3 certified data centresAll files are saved with AES256 encryption
WeAreX is Fully GDRP compliant
WeAreX regularly conducts third-party penetration testing to proactively ensure security and address potential vulnerability issues. This is carried out by Crest approved suppliers.
In addition to the features inside the app including.
Blocking of screen grabbing & recording.
Blocking of images and limiting features on the browser-based chat.
Timed photos and videos to ensure you images only stay for a set period of time.
Full reporting system going straight to WeAreX community team.
Only WeAreX verified users on the App.
Ability to make your own private groups with the same security features.
Split couples account so you know which person of the couple you are talking with.
We will always be looking at ways to improve as we grow and keep everybody safe and happy